
Every Student is an Artist

Advantage Arts Academy is a tuition-free public charter school in Herriman, Utah. Our rigorous curriculum is paired with arts integration to provide an enriched classroom focused on academics and creativity.

Our students are successful learners with opportunities for growth and creativity. We invite you to learn more about our arts integration program, to come take a tour of the school, or to reach out with your questions.

The arts, it has been said, cannot change the world, but they may change the human beings who might change the world.

Maxine Green

American Educational Philosopher


Advantage Arts Academy is the only elementary school in Utah using the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTSALP) model as a focus and not as a supplemental add-on program. By aligning the BTSALP model components, such as the instructional model, arts integration is incorporated in all core curriculum courses.

What We Believe


The mission of Advantage Arts Academy (AAA), in alignment with the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program, is to effectively increase our students’ performance in every subject, as well as improve students’ core academic capacity, emotional well-being, arts awareness, and social skills.


The school’s mission incorporates the four components of the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program. These components include:

  •  Arts integration with the core curriculum
  •  Collaborative planning time with the Arts Integration Specialist and classroom teacher
  •  Time for side-by-side teaching
  •  Professional development provided by professional development partners