Dress Code

Standard student attire & dress code.

Advantage Arts Academy will be following a policy of standard student attire. Wearing standard student attire, students will become part of a team. It is this team effort and sense of belonging that will help students experience a greater sense of identity and promote academic excellence.

Please write student name on all clothing tags.

  • Shirts must be of a collared style, such as a polo or button-down shirt in any solid color.
  • Students may wear a shirt under the polo but must also be in a solid school color.
  • No midriffs or crop tops.
  • No logos, designs, or patterns.
  • Uniform pants must be the uniform style (Dockers’ style) in solid navy, tan/khaki, black or grey. No tears, rips or holes will be permitted.
  • Jumpers, shorts and skirts must be at least fingertip length and may not be cut-offs.
  • No sweatpants, yoga pants, “jeggings” or leggings.”
  • No logos, patterns, lace, sequins, etc.
  • Students may wear outerwear in solid colors (see Tops above).
  • Outerwear may not have any other logo on it.
  • Students must remove the hood from their head when inside the building.
  • Shoes/sneakers must fit securely on the foot.
  •  Sandals may be worn, provided they have a back strap and that they don’t interfere with the safety and welfare of the student.
  •  Flip flops and Heelies are not allowed.
  •  Shoes with heels should not be taller than two inches.
  • Student’s hair must be a style that will not draw unnecessary attention or create distraction.
  • Faux hawks may be worn but cannot exceed two inches in length.
  • Administration reserves the right to deem hair color or hair style a distraction to instruction.
  • Belts must be worn through belt loops.
  • Socks, bandanas or any headgear can have any pattern, symbol or logo on them as long as they are not distracting.
  • Hats may not be worn inside the building at any time and must be kept in the backpack at all times. Hats may be worn outside.
  • Allowed only on designated spirit days – last day of the school week (typically Fridays, unless it is a shortened week).
  • Students are permitted to wear blue jeans and an Advantage Arts Spirit shirt or solid plain t-shirt in school colors.
  • Jeans may not have holes, rips, tears, etc. and must be school appropriate.
  • “Jeggings” are not considered jeans.

This Dress Code is intended to create a framework to meet the purpose as stated above. As styles change, or if questions arise, the school administration, as the Board of Directors’ designee, has the authority to determine if a student’s dress is in keeping with this Dress Code. 

If any portion of this Dress Code goes against a person’s established personal, cultural, or religious practices or beliefs, exceptions are allowed at the discretion of the school administration. The school administration also has discretion to allow exceptions to the Dress Code for extenuating circumstances.