
Thank you for your support!

We hope you will consider donating your time and talents through volunteering at Advantage Arts Academy. Volunteering is a great way to get to know other parents in our community and support classrooms. The school has organized committees, or "ensembles" to support the education of students at our school. We welcome you to join an ensemble!

Please track your volunteer hours and report them to assist the school in obtaining grants and other funding. Additionally, tracking volunteer hours helps us acknowledge the incredible efforts of our community members.


The school is in the process of setting up the following fundraising opportunities. When they are available, you can support the school with your purchases below.

Log in to your Amazon account and go to smile.amazon.com and choose Advantage Arts Academy as your supporting organization. Any time you make a purchase through Amazon, make sure you start your purchase through the Amazon Smile link.

Box Tops for Education. We encourage families to clip and save the “Box Tops for Education” found on various products. We will be collecting them throughout the school year to help fund programs.

Log in to your Fresh Market account and add Advantage Arts Academy as your supporting organization.

Once logged in to your Smith’s account, go to ‘Account Summary’ and scroll down to ‘Community Rewards’ where you can choose to support Advantage Arts Academy.